St. Thomas Episcopal Church



203 West Market St.
P.O. Box 368

About Us

Established in 1834, St. Thomas Episcopal Church has graced the corner of West and Market Streets just off the Somerville Town Square since its construction in 1858.  As in the days when horse and carriage brought communicants to its door, St. Thomas exists today much as it has for over one hundred seventy-five years – a welcoming place of worship and comfort for generations. St. Thomas’ active outreach ministries focus on hunger and education.

Worship Services

Coffee hour is in Coleman Hall following Sunday services.

1st & 3rd Sundays

9:00 A.M.Morning Prayer | Lead by lay leaders

2nd & 4th Sundays

9:00 A.M.Holy Eucharist | The Reverend Deacon Drew Woodruff


Mission Council
Nancy Boatwright, Senior Warden
Pam Yewell, Junior Warden
Korine Dankowsky, Treasurer
Nancy Johnson, Secretary
Jessica Buchignani

Other Ministries/Programs

Fayette County Literacy Council

Little Pantry