All Saints’ Service and Potluck

Barth House 407 Patterson St., Memphis, TN, United States

Join us for an All Saints' Service and Potluck at the Barth House Episcopal Center (409 Patterson St., Memphis, TN 38111) on October 30, 2024. The service begins at 12 p.m., followed by lunch at 12:30 p.m. Bring a picture or memento of a departed loved one for our noon worship, a nostalgic dish for […]

Music at St. Mary’s Concert Series Presents Phantom Phavorites Halloween Night

All are invited to a free, family-friendly Halloween Concert at St. Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral at 7pm, Thursday, Oct. 31. “Phantom Phavorites” will feature Webber’s haunting Phantom of the Opera, the “Toccata and Fugue in D minor,” “Funeral March of the Marionette,” “Danse Macabre” and other spooky selections. Vocalists: Ia Traci White; Marcus King and Drew […]


Choral Evensong at Grace-St. Luke’s

Grace-St. Luke's Episcopal Church 1720 Peabody Ave., Memphis, TN

One of the ancient and modern aspects of the Anglican / Episcopal tradition is the beautiful service of Choral Evensong (sung Evening Prayer). This contemplative liturgy is led by a member of the clergy and the choir with hymns sung by the congregation and enhanced with mild hypoallergenic incense. Each includes the Magnificat (Song of […]

Choral Evensong at Grace-St. Luke’s

Grace-St. Luke's Episcopal Church 1720 Peabody Ave., Memphis, TN

One of the ancient and modern aspects of the Anglican / Episcopal tradition is the beautiful service of Choral Evensong (sung Evening Prayer). This contemplative liturgy is led by a member of the clergy and the choir with hymns sung by the congregation and enhanced with mild hypoallergenic incense. Each includes the Magnificat (Song of […]

Thanksgiving Eucharist at Grace-St. Luke’s

Grace-St. Luke's Episcopal Church 1720 Peabody Ave., Memphis, TN

Thanksgiving Day, 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist. Every year, we pause to remember the merger of two congregations, Grace (mission 1850, built 1896) and St. Luke’s (mission and built 1894), which […]


Holy Eucharist Rite II

St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral 700 Poplar Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee

All are invited to St. Mary's Cathedral to celebrate the Holy Eucharist Rite II at 12:15pm each Wednesday.


Centering Prayer

Church of the Holy Communion 4645 Walnut Grove Rd., Memphis, TN, United States

Contemplative Outreach of West Tennessee (COWT) invites you to participate in its upcoming First Saturday centering prayer at Church of the Holy Communion, 4546 Walnut Grove Rd., Memphis. Morning’s Schedule 9:00 a.m.: Coffee and conversation. Labyrinth is available to walk in Parish Hall. 9:30 a.m.: Two twenty-minute periods of Centering Prayer 10:15 a.m.: Thirty-minute silent coffee break. Labyrinth […]