Diocesan Youth

The Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee


Diocesan Youth Updates

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Diocesan Youth Council (DYC)

The Diocesan Youth Council (DYC) is a group made up of 10th-12th grade students from around the Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee tasked with bringing their thoughts, perspectives, and interests to diocesan leadership, with creating meaningful fellowship and service events for young people, and with providing insight to Bishop and Council, the governing board of the Diocese of West Tennessee.

Members meet once a quarter. The anticipated time commitment will be 4 hours per quarter.


Six times a year, middle- and high-schoolers from across the EDWTN gather together for fellowship and community.

Upcoming Events:
Fall Kickoff at St. Columba: August 27, 2023
Color War: October 1, 2023 at Overton Park


Happening West Tennessee

The Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee has a vibrant Happening Youth program and community.

Happening is a Christian experience presented by teenagers, for teenagers with the help of clergy and lay adult leadership. The Happening program is meant to be one of the instruments within the Anglican Tradition of renewing the Christian church, so that the church may more readily respond to its call to spread the Kingdom of God throughout the world. It seeks to achieve this purpose by bringing young persons and adults to fuller personal knowledge of and relationship with God and to a deeper level of commitment and apostleship.  Applications will be posted here when they are available and all youth grades 10-12 are welcome to attend.

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