Sustaining Grants

$1,000 - $5,000
About the Sustaining Grant Process
  • Eligible applicants must use this electronic form to apply: Grant Application. You can view a PDF of the application questions here.
  • Recipient congregations may only receive one Do Good & Share Grant per grant cycle. 
  • Grant approval/rejection will be announced by late April 2025. 
  • Grant projects must be completed by the end of 2025; any unused funds must be returned to the Diocese within 60 days of the completion of the project. 
  • Grant recipients must provide feedback on learning and project progress to the Diocese upon completion of the grant project. Failure to provide feedback or return of funds may result in exclusion from future grant opportunities.
What Qualifies for a Sustaining Grant?
  • Sustaining Grants are good for a larger one-time project or the beginning/ continuation of a more sustained project. 
  • The primary goal of the Sustaining Grant proposal should be the engagement of your neighborhood/broader community, beyond one-time acts of service or assistance to those in need.
  • Sustaining grant funds may be used for existing outreach programs or previously-funded programs; however, the application must demonstrate how the existing program will be adjusted in a new way.
  • Grant funds are not to be used for internal programs, discretionary spending, operating budget, personnel, or capital projects.