December Storm Disaster Relief

The storms that came through Arkansas, Tennessee and Kentucky the weekend of December 10 caused destruction that is still being covered by the national news. An EF3 tornado brought about significant damage in Henry County, Tennessee, where Grace Episcopal Church in Paris, Tennessee is located. Fortunately, Grace Church was not damaged, and no one in the congregation received significant damage or injury. Paris is not far from Mayfield, Kentucky, however, which received tremendous damage. In Henry County many homes and buildings were damaged or destroyed, along with barns and water wells.  

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Helping Communities After a Natural Disaster

Many of us have been watching the destruction caused by Hurricane Ida. Our desire to be generous is heightened when we witness this type destruction. I served as Outreach Director at Trinity Episcopal Church in New Orleans a few years after Hurricane Katrina, and as a Rector in southern Louisiana dealt with the aftermath of hurricanes and major flood. People have often asked me for guidance on providing help. These are a few things I have learned.

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