Resumption of Activities Announcement from Bishop Phoebe
To the Diocesan Family,
Last month, we updated the diocesan guidelines regarding in-person worship and the resumption of Eucharist in one kind (bread only). As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we have received questions regarding the status of indoor Christian formation offerings, such as youth group gatherings and Education for Ministry classes as well as athletic/physical activities and outreach ministries.
Faith Communities can resume indoor athletic activities, formation opportunities and outreach ministries in January 2021 following current diocesan guidelines, so long as the coronavirus numbers are not at a point where this would be deemed unsafe by health officials at that time. Please begin planning now if you want to resume any of these activities next year. If your congregation has a reentry task force, submit your plans to the task force for approval. If not, please forward any plans to Canon Sharon Alexander and me for our review.

Bishop Phoebe Roaf